So, SHOCK HORROR, I actually did everything I wanted to last week and read through ALL my books I have self-published ... I also somehow completed this while working, looking after myself more AND finding balance. I'm feeling pretty disconcerted about it all (I don't feel disconcerted about it in the slightest but I just LOVE saying/typing the word D-I-S-C-O-N-C-E-R-T-E-D). Reading through them again also made me immensely excited to start promoting them properly as I am actually quite proud of all of them and think they deserve at least a shot of doing well. In the past, when I was going through my books, I had read them so much that the words lost all meaning and I could nearly recite them verbatim (yay for editing!). It had been such a long gap since I'd had to read them that at last my objectivity returned and I could see them for what they are. Extraordinarily in WEIGHTING TO LIVE, there were three grammatical errors that I can't believe I didn't see before. I had gone through that damn book with such a fine tooth comb that you would never be able to get it through hair. Grammatical error exhibit A: 'What I can I do for him today?’
How did I miss that?!!?!?
Well enough of that, the plan for this week is work (VERY, VERY hard) on getting my covers for CHANGES: A SHORT STORY COLLECTION and SIXTEEN MONTHS to a standard I am happy with. I love the covers for my books WEIGHTING TO LIVE and CIRCLE, A SHORT STORY and want to feel the same about the other two too. I have absolutely no idea how long this will take as it's something I refuse to rush but I will update you on this (NEVER ENDING) saga when I can.
On a slightly related note, today feels like the real start of the New Year for me in pretty much every aspect of my life. I am ready now to put my heart and soul into getting my books out there and reaching all my goals. It's going to be hard, I know I'll question my sanity at least twenty times (a day) but I want to look back on this year and know I've done everything I could because I truly want to do this.
I am sorry these posts are all rather samey but I won't have any money spare until the year 2056 so cheeky book hauls (involving Judith McNaught) are out for the foreseeable future (SOB!). This blog is to document my journey as a writer and I am writing exactly how it is. Let's hope the books do well so I can change this STAT!
Until next time.
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