Sunday, 12 July 2015

Get Started in Writing Young Adult Fiction by Juliet Mushens

There is a fabulous agent with a penchant for leopard print and vintage-inspired dresses called Juliet Mushens. If that is not fabulous enough, she has just released a book on how to write YA fiction.

*Book contemplates life on a park bench*
If I could choose my own agent (this is of course as fictional as the YA novel I haven't written yet), I would want to be represented by Juliet as not only is she successful at what she does, more importantly (to me at least), she comes across as an approachable, likable woman. I have been following her for a while now on twitter and she's great - you can too by clicking here.

Her debut book Get Started in Writing Young Adult Fiction takes you from how to begin your novel right through to submitting it to agents and an overview of the publishing process. The book is crammed with writing exercises and ideas to help you get into gear and makes the daunting task of writing a book a little less scary. I especially loved the quotes and trivia from well-loved creatives scattered along the way.

I am about to start working again on a novel I wrote last year and even though it is not YA per se, it is close enough for this book to benefit me and it definitely answered a lot of questions I had and gave me a lot to think about when I get to editing. More than anything, what this book did was get me excited about writing and applying some of the tips and tricks Juliet has suggested to make my existing novel something maybe one day she would consider representing herself.

All writers, regardless of genre or type, would find something helpful in this book and you can buy it here.

ALSO, my book WEIGHTING TO LIVE is FREE today on Amazon (UK Link here. US Link here). A subtle plug on a Sunday for you.

Until next time.

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