Friday, 14 October 2016

Another mundane blog post involving word counts

Here is yet another word count heavy blog post post for you. It's been a rather lovely, uneventful week where the only real drama was when I completed a HIIT workout and was barely able to walk for three days. Here are my word counts for the week:

Monday 10th October 2016
1,576 words. About twenty minutes after completing my first HIIT workout, and feeling like I was about to die, was the time when I decided it was ideal to start writing. It wasn't. For the first half an hour as I attempted to write, I felt like a piece of jelly but after that, something switched and I really got into it. Very happy with what I wrote and a fantastic word count to kick off the week.

Tuesday 11th October 2016
1,071 words. I didn't really feel like writing but decided to just push through and do it. I think what I wrote was ok but I find now that I can see a pretty dramatic change in the quality of my work depending on how I am feeling that day. Still glad I did it though and I'm sure I can salvage a word here or there from the literary wreckage.

Wednesday 12th October 2016
0 words. I really didn't feel like writing today, so I didn't. 'Nuff said.

Thursday 13th October 2016
1,038 words. I find when I miss as little as a day of writing I start to panic that when I return to it, I'll be useless. It took about five minutes before those fears disappeared and I really started enjoying myself.

Friday 14th October 2016
1,083 words. A great hour of writing to end the week.

From next week my posts, I promise, will be more varied as I am forcing myself to concentrate properly on one thing that I absolutely hate: self-promotion & marketing. URGH. I dislike this subject as much as a HIIT workout. Ideally I'd like to document my marketing journey on this blog as I attempt to actually sell some books and get somewhere as a writer. I've been a little too blasé in my attitude towards my career (especially when my ONE New Year's resolution for this year was to focus on my career...) and seeing as writing is something I apparently want to do for the rest of my life, it's not acceptable.

And another thing, remind me never to do HIIT again.

Until next time.

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