Friday, 7 October 2016

Here today, gone tomorrow

A lot has changed in my life since my last post. I handed in my notice, moved  back in with my mum, turned 29 and generally had a crazy busy time. It's all been great though so I can't complain. No more faffing about, here are my word counts since my last post:

Monday 19th September 2016
1,004 words. A great hour of writing.

Tuesday 20th September 2016
1,106 words. Another great hour of writing.

Wednesday 21st September 2016
0 words. Not great but I was so tired. I didn't beat myself up about it though and just accepted it was for the best. No 'I'm the worst writer in the world' freak outs. YAY!

Thursday 22nd September 2016
0 words. I had good intentions about writing and even sat down at my laptop ready to write but my mind was on everything that needed to be done - which was a lot, considering I moved two days later.

Monday 3rd October 2016
1,151 words. I took the break that I said I would. Initially I was nervous that it would be hard to get back into the swing of things after just over a week of not writing but it was so easy once I started. I tried not to put any pressure on myself and was very pleased with what I wrote.

Tuesday 4th October 2016
1,215 words.

Wednesday 5th October 2016
915 words. God I loved what I wrote this morning. A GREAT hour of writing.

Thursday 6th October 2016
905 words. I wrote a really important part of my book this morning and it went so well. I loved every second of it and felt so happy when I had finished.

Friday 7th October 2016
927 words. Oh, I just loved writing this morning again and finished my writing week on a pretty huge high.

I may decide to change things up but for now, I'm going to try and take every weekend off. For a long time I haven't had that luxury but now that I can, I want to start finding more balance and so far, I'm loving it.

I cannot wait to return to writing next week and I'm excited for the week ahead.

Until next time.

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