Thursday 11 May 2017

Starting Over & The Name Thief

I think the title says it all really and for any readers of my old Lily Divine blog, I thought I'd quickly elaborate as to why I've made such a massive change...

About a month ago, while checking my WEIGHTING TO LIVE series on Goodreads which I initially wrote under the pen name Lily Divine, I noticed another book coming up which had apparently been written by me - an erotic BDSM novel. Someone else had started using that pen name. At first I was a little miffed and to be honest, upset but then when I really thought about it, I realised that maybe it was for the best. For a while, I had been having a lot of misgivings about the name and even questioned why I used it in the first place. When I started my blog in November 2015, I wanted to keep my writing to myself but still be able to self-publish and so I used the name Lily Divine ... although now, I don't understand why I felt the need for all the secrecy. After talking it through with others they felt, as did I, that I should use my own name and so I started making the necessary steps to do just that. It's funny how something which starts its life as a negative can turn out to be very positive indeed so thank you to the name thief Lily Divine as you really did me a favour.

It's been quite a transformative time for me in the last four weeks. On Saturday 15th April 2017, I had a massive clearout unlike any other I'd had in the past and afterwards I felt so light, so focused. I then started asking for some guidance and somehow, I started receiving it. I find when you are open to the possibility of something, you get it. Not long after asking for guidance, the whole Lily Divine name theft debacle happened and I found that I had a path to follow without even trying. As you can imagine, it's been quite a busy time for me and I will explain more in another blog post very soon. I have reverted all my previous posts under Lily Divine to draft form which I might republish in the future as they document my entire writing journey so far but for now, I want a fresh start, a clean slate, in the hope that this time I go about things in the right way because I certainly wasn't doing that before...

Cara x 

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