It's amazing to me that I have managed to keep this blog updated for well over five years now. I set it up in the first place because I wanted to keep a diary of sorts where I could document the writing process and (hopefully) in the end, make writing my full time job. On the whole, I am a pretty positive person, and although I have suffered over the years from terrible anxiety, disappointments and sad situations, I have always retained a hope that things will work out in the end. What I think has been interesting over the last year is my change in outlook and now I am either bubbling with an excitement I can barely contain, or feel weighed down by crippling fear that it may never happen - any of it. Maybe it's age and thinking about boring stuff like pensions and mortgages and family, but I entered this brand new decade petrified. Now, I am slowly starting to feel better again, and I put that entirely down to writing.
Don't get me wrong, I loved having time off over Christmas, and it was a wonderful and 'novel' thing to not know what day it was or be bound by a schedule, but during the last few days of 2019, I started to feel down, which continued into the New Year and by Thursday 2nd, as I walked home late, I felt odd. It wasn't really about writing, and more a numbness about life in general - a hopelessness. Sadness is one thing, but this was something I had never experienced before. Naturally, because I can't help myself, I decided to put those feelings into some indulgent poetry, which I wrote into the notes app on my phone as I walked home, and by the following morning, I had written three poems - one big, one small and another a mere six words long. Writing those poems gave me a boost that I desperately needed and through this thick fog that had settled over my mind, I could see that little spark of excitement. Over the next few days, I downed tools, which I thought would help, but instead I felt the numbness descend over me once more - although this time it was mixed with sadness. I really started to worry about this year and what was going to happen, but by Monday, I started reading through the book I wrote last November as part of NaNoWriMo and suddenly felt very excited. I think in the time since writing it, I started to worry that it was going to be bad, but it wasn't. Granted, it's a first draft so it needs a lot of editing, but I know it's got potential and I'll have a book at the end of it. I finished reading through it early this morning as I couldn't sleep, and afterwards, I even had time before work to write an extra chapter I felt it needed that I'd been thinking about for a little while and acted like the missing part of a jigsaw. I wrote 1,106 words over about 40 minutes, bringing the total of it up to 54,464 words. Even though it does need work, it should be a relatively cleanish edit. I have decided to start working on it next Monday and I can't wait to get stuck in.

In other news, the updates for Weighting to Live are all up and the whole series is on KDP Select, like all my short stories and Just Julia.
And just like that, I've written way more than I intended to. Why I'm still surprised by this after years of waffly blog posts is beyond me.
I promise I shall stop now. For the foreseeable future, my life will be a sea of edits and I assume many changing and turbulent emotions. For the first time ever, I have not set any goals or resolutions and have just decided to go with the flow and embrace whatever this year has to offer.
2020, please be kind.
Until next time,
Cara x
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