Sunday, 16 August 2015

A random update involving crumpets

Filthy crumpet photo taken from
my Instagram account.
Something I couldn't say last week is that my fear of eating crumpets has finally come to an end. If you follow me on Twitter, you will already be ready to throw something at your screens if you hear the C word from me ever again (I am talking about crumpets, naturally). Yes, after a long fear of crumpets I ate some yesterday and they were FABULOUS. I started my crumpet Twitter saga on Monday; the day the obsession really kicked in but waited patiently until the weekend as I have been trying to eat really healthily Monday to Friday to try and get well again. It seems to be working. I am basically back to normal - but touching wood so hard my hand hurts just in case I flare again. With the illness I have, there is no 'Do this and you will get better' so it's hard to tell what is making my recovery speed up ... but it can't do me any harm to eat well in the process. I am basically healthy as it is but I do love my sugar and naughty treats and keeping them for the weekend makes them more of a treat, like they should be, instead of before where they were a part of my day.

Something surprising though to come out of the whole crumpet saga/obsession was that I don't think I can eat them again. While eating them I was filled with ungodly joy but afterwards, I just felt terrible. It's strange but the healthier you get, the more you feel the effects of eating really bad food. I will never be one of those people who just eats vegetables that masquerade as a three-course meal BUT, I think from now on I am going to really take what I eat seriously. Still enjoy meals out, AND ALL THE CHOCOLATE, but just be a bit more respectful of my body.

Onto the writing bit: in the earlier part of the week, I did what I said in my previous post (here) and read through my book again making a list of everything that needed to go or change. Shock horror, reading it through the second time around made me realise it wasn't as bad as I initially thought. Still lunacy in places, still needs to be completely rewritten, but just not as scary. By the end of the read-through I had a 5 page, 3,170 word (single spaced) document filled with ideas and changes that needed to be made. Another wonderful thing to come out of rereading my book is that I am now so thrilled about the journey ahead of me. It's going to be a long journey, BUT I AM NOT GIVING UP! My list has ideas and changes that I hope will really give the book life and over the next couple of months before NaNoWriMo, I will work on all the problems and ideas so that when I rewrite it in November, I can just enjoy every single moment of the process. The list itself has been organised into separate categories to make my life easier. They are:

To think about and sort out
- Plot issues that need to be sorted so they make logical sense.
- Ideas that need to be given more thought.
- Parts that need developing - whether it be a character or plot point.

Changes to make
- Things I have already sorted out that need to be replaced - e.g. a plot line or conversation.

To add in
- New parts of the plot or dialogue that that need to be inserted into the book somewhere.

- Things I need to do.
- Random things I need to remember that make a good book.

Wow, what a random, random post this was. Brace yourself for many more in the coming months.

Until next time.

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