Stuffed with chocolate, regretful of said chocolate but determined to work, on Easter Monday, I started editing the four short stories I talked about
(here). In that post, I mentioned that they went very well and I was happy with what I had written but was still expecting to have to edit them a fair bit ... well, I was (wonderfully! Gloriously! So very) wrong. I was giving myself until the end of April to finish them but how long did they actually take? Five days.
Here is a (sorta) chart of my progress:
DAY 1 - Monday 6th April 2015
Started (and finished) editing short story 1 @ 3,420 words (first draft 3,484 words)
Started editing short story 2
It was a great first day of editing and so much fun! I was not expecting this at all - more of a me crying in the corner trying desperately to make sense of what I had written, kinda day.
DAY 2 - Tuesday 7th April 2015
Finished editing short story 2 @ 5,026 words (first draft 5,041 words)
Started (and finished) editing short story 3 @ 2,524 words (first draft 2,580 words)
I have nothing different from yesterday to report. Just another brilliant day of editing.
DAY 3 - Wednesday 8th April 2015
Started (and finished) editing short story 4 @ 3,727 words (first draft 3,837 words)
I spent the rest of the day reading through all four short stories to make sure there were no errors or words I'd missed.
Nothing dramatic happened today and the only emotion I felt was confusion that they didn't need much work.
DAY 4 - Thursday 9th April 2015
In the morning, I put the four short stories into one word document in the right order, made a table of contents etc then spent the rest of the day checking and double checking (yet again) the short stories for errors.
Later on in the evening, I helped my mum finish off the front cover and was extremely happy with how it turned out.
Arty shot of the (VERY) unfinished front cover. |
DAY 5 - Friday 10th April 2015
I continued to check through the stories in a paranoia that I had made mistakes I hadn't seen and clocked in about three words per hour. I went slightly mad for most of the day.
In the afternoon on a break from the snail's pace checking, I ran over to my local library (THE SAVIOUR) and scanned the front cover then when I got home, continued to check SO SO SLOWLY for any errors. By dinner, I was nearly finished but about to have a meltdown.
When I had FINALLY finished checking the blasted thing, I got mum to look through it one last time and then I felt ON TOP OF THE WORLD! I am now a frazzled mess writing this blog post and tasks before bed tonight include: write the blurb for the book, add a thin black border to the front cover, convert word document into a html file, upload it all to Amazon KDP to publish it ready for the weekend!
Part of me is rather scared that I'll regret just self-publishing them without yet more editing but what's the point when I think they are ready now?
I have absolutely no idea how this happened. I really can't believe that they were in such a good state after the first draft ... I think I just got very lucky I suppose and will DEFINITELY not get used to this kind of thing.
Fingers crossed it will only take overnight to process and publish and of course, when it's ready, I will let you know about it, so expect another blog post on the morrow with all the details!
I hope you don't mind these little updates but selfishly, they are pretty great for me to look back on and see how far I have come in my writing journey.
Until next time.